Emergency Preparedness

RFID Tracking Solutions & Emergency Preparedness

TopVu's Emergency Preparedness System

A quick and accurate account for a workforce is essential during emergencies. TopVu’s Emergency Preparedness system includes:

Emergency Preparedness for underground mines

Emergency Preparedness Components

Access Control  •  eTagBoard  •  Personnel Tracking  •  Muster Tap Station

Integrated tools to ensure tagboard incidents are eliminated and workers are quickly accounted for if an emergency happens.

RFID turnstile for emergency tracking

Access Control

TopVu’s access control products are used to update a property manifest, and/or, define who has access to a zone. Q7 software allows users to configure access permissions for individuals or groups, then further define when/where permissions are granted based on personnel profiles, schedules, training records, etc.

Checkpoints: Worker Shuttle Buses, Turnstiles, Gates & Doors

Emergency Preparedness Smart eTagBoard

Smart eTagBoard

TopVu’s patented electronic eTagBoards are a key component of their emergency preparedness system. These boards retain the traditional practice of placing a physical tag on a board while digitally transforming the process through IoT integration. By integrating eTagBoards with Checkpoint Tracking and RFID turnstiles, the TopVu system ensures the tagboard remains accurate and free from incidents.

Checkpoints: Physical Tagboard with Digital Transformation

Emergency Preparedness RFID tracking

Personnel Tracking

TopVu’s checkpoint tracking strategy optimizes the use of the mine’s natural tunnel network and chokepoints by employing passive RFID technology. This approach ensures real-time tracking of personnel as they enter and exit various access points within the mine which is crucial for rapid accounting during emergencies.

Checkpoints: Strategic Checkpoints, Shaft stations, Cage & Portal

RFID muster tap station for emergency preparedness

Emergency Assembly Points

Muster Tap Stations (MTS) are installed at assembly points such as refuge stations and parking lots. When emergencies are declared, workers tap their RFID tag on the MTS to confirm their arrival at a safe assembly point. Q7 software equips mine rescue with a precise workforce manifest including real-time updates when workers arrive at the assembly points.

Checkpoints: Surface Muster Points & Underground Refuge Stations

Emergency Preparedness

The TopVu suite of products solve emergency preparedness problems in underground mining operations. Resolve emergency preparedness drills quickly and confidently with accurate personnel tracking.

Watchdog Alerts

Watchdog Alerts are user configurable business rules that can trigger relays, audible alarms, email advisories and display messages to notify workers in real-time. TopVu’s system offers real-time detection and declaration when workers forget to Tag-IN or forget to Tag-OUT. This leads to real-time correction of tagboard incidents. Rapid worker accounting not only enhances safety but minimizes downtime as workers can promptly return to work after an emergency drill.

InfoScript for emergency personnel tag in
TopVu tracking software

Q7 Tracking Software & Integration

The Q7 software ensures that all devices seamlessly work in concert to re-enforce safety procedures and enhance response efficiencies. Q7 facilitates quick and precise accounting of the entire workforce on your property including “last known locations” and instant notifications when workers have safely arrived at their assembly points. This real-time visibility allows for better management of mine rescue resources and enables swift decision making during emergencies.

Want To Learn More?

 Learn more about TopVu’s Emergency Preparedness system. Contact us for a virtual informational session in our showroom to see live demonstrations of our suite of products in action.